Importance of English in India

India is a diverse country with over 19,000 languages or dialects spoken by the people of this country as their mother tongues. It is shocking that many people choose to speak English throughout the nation, even though there are so many languages in India. When the British colonized India, the English language soon became a way of setting oneself apart from the others who were unfortunate enough to not have access to that level of education. When the British left, the use of English increased to the point that English became one of the languages being compulsorily taught to children in schools. Here are a few reasons why English is of such great importance in India. 1. Global Language and Globalization It is common knowledge that English is a globally accepted language. More than 90% of the people in some of the major first-world nations speak English as their mother tongue. It is hard to ignore this fact when you have to conduct business with those ...