The Importance of School Uniforms in India

We cannot emphasise much that uniforms bring uniformity and harmony to people. Be it a convent school or a CBSE Boarding, every child goes through a tender age when he/she goes to school and meets new children. This age is very important to nurture their mind and impart the values of equality and harmony to them. In India, both the top boarding schools in India along with other non-boarding schools have their own set of uniforms. These uniforms are either slightly or completely different from the other schools. The distinct uniforms help in distinguishing students of different schools. The purpose of having a school uniform is the same - to instil the feeling of oneness in all. In North India, the schools have separate uniforms for the winter and summer seasons. The summer ones are light-colored with a lightweight and airy cloth while the winter ones are dark in colour and made of heavy or warm clothes. Having a school uniform in a country like India is a must! Here are some grea...